Mother and Nurturer

I am terrified. I am terrified to know that you will not forever be in my life. That one day I will lose a part of me because one day I will lose you. You’re the shoulder I cry on, the person I turn to when I need help figuring things out no matter what the question may be. No matter how impossible. I think you know the answer to everything. You’re the unconditional love, your my foundation for all the friendships I have. When a friend calls and needs to vent about their problems I always think “What would you say” because you always make me feel better.

I don’t know what I did to deserve such a wonderful caring human. I wish you were not so hard on yourself sometimes. I hope you love yourself as much as I love you. I hope you see yourself in the light I see you in. The good and the bad. It’s mothers day. I can honestly say though that I have a mother in both of my parents. The “You” is for my mother and my father. I correlate the term “Mother” with nurturer. The definition of mother I choose to have is below along with nurturer.

Mother: bring up (a child) with care and affection.
Nurture: the process of caring for and encouraging the growth or development of someone or something.

I feel like I have a lot of balance in my life and I believe that is due to both of my parents being a team together. Both doing the same things. Many people say that their mother is not comparable to their father. I do not resonate with that. Both of my parents nurtured me equally. They both have been there to be a shoulder to cry on. They both are there during all my major life events. When my mom shows up to help me move so does my dad. When I am going through something they seem to go through that same thing with me. I think i just decided to change mother and father’s day to parent’s day. Because they both deserve 365 days a year and they will both only get two that are supposed to be dedicated to them. I want to honor them both. 

I know they will not be in my life forever and I wish they would be. You mean the world to me. You are my foundation. You helped create me into the person I am. I talk to you both and can talk for hours. You have done so much for me. You have been there through so much. Thank you so much. For giving me all the care and affection any human could ever need. For letting me know I am always loved. For never doubting that I can do anything. For always being there as my support system. 

I cannot put into words how I feel. I try, and the words don’t suffice the feelings I have deep in my heart. 

Thank you Mudder for listening to me and letting me call you 5 times a day most days just to tell you how cute my dog and cat are. Thank you for making me my vegan ranch when I come home because you know I love it. Thank you for all the times that you have had to support me financially. Thank you for going through my growing phases with me especially when going through certain moments has been very difficult. Thank you for giving the ultimate sacrifice and giving up so much of your life so I could live mine. Thank you most of all for not feeling like you were sacrificing anything. I love you. 

Thank you Farter for being the dad that is also a great mom. A dad that is not afraid to be so kind and loving like Mudder is. Thank you for always making wonderful dinners because mom burns them (She must have learned that extra flavor from her mom) Thank you for all the times that you have had to support me financially. Thank you for going through my growing phases with me especially when going through certain moments has been very difficult. Thank you for giving the ultimate sacrifice and giving up so much of your life so I could live mine. Thank you most of all for not feeling like you were sacrificing anything. I love you. 

I am so grateful to you both. Happy mothers day to both of my nurturers. I know raising my brother and I has been a team effort. And mudder, happy Mother day especially to you because for a couple of years too long I took you for granted. I will forever feel guilty about those years and will never take you for granted again.  

There is no song or quote to contribute to this post. No other quotes or songs can compare to my feelings for this.


  1. As I read this, I think about The first breath that each of my children took in as they were born into this world. The nervousness and excitement were overwhelming. Then comes the realization of "oh wow" we are parents...

    Being a parent has created such a profound change in our lives, that it's hard to remember what life was like before that time. We are constantly asked what it was like being parents at such a young age (19&20), and my answer is always the same: I wouldn't trade it for the world!

    We truly did the best we knew how, and it shows! We are so proud of our children and our family!

    There is no "book" on how to be a parent that will ever be published that can prepare you for what lies ahead. The chapters are all unwritten, and can only be read at the end of every day.

    Thank you Jennifer, my teammate in life! Thank you Children for the best chapters in my life! Love you all forever!

    Keep it going Tara, our favorite!

  2. BTW, you cannot regret what has happened in the has already been written... concentrate on the now, and live in the moment. Build a future to be proud of living in with those you love!


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