Negative Vibes

 After yoga I wait for my coffee to be done, thinking about last night. Thinking about the negativity I created in my head and how I fed into it instead of finding a way out of it. I am thinking about how the negativity I focus on changes the space around me. How my life is impacted because of it. I remind myself the energy I create is what will surround me. 

"There is no positive without negative". Yes, negative events happen, what positivity can I pull from that and make the focal point instead? Focusing on my hurt feelings, or my lack of self-confidence creates a spiral. I don't want to let that negative energy blossom into a dark cloud that hangs over me everywhere I go. I want to acknowledge the negative energy I am giving out and shine some light on it. When I feel like I am not good enough, I want to cry about it for a minute and then figure out what I need to change to move on. When I feel like the world I built is falling, I want to take a step back and realize that if I continue with that mindset, it will. There is so much negative every single day. From outside spaces like the news notifications sent to my phone to my inside thoughts of feeling as if I am not doing enough. I notice when I give in to those negative moments, more negativity shows up around me. When I decide to shift that mindset and make those negative thoughts into positive actions, life feels good.

The other day while driving in her car, my friend told me "Relationships are what we make it. No one else can create it, just the two in the relationship" while she was referring to a romantic relationship, I really liked how it spoke to me about life. To me, what goes on around me is a product of what I have created and the choices I have made. 

I find comfort in knowing my life is how I have made it since that means I can change it.

I don't like my job? I can change that. I’m not happy with my living location or situation? I can change it. I don't think the relationships surrounding me are healthy? I can change them. There may be some things that I see as "restrictions" which is ultimately just my perspective. I might have excuses on why I have to remain unhappy in a certain environment when that isn’t the case, it's the choice I have made. Although changes don’t happen overnight, my perception of my current situation can. The more I become aware of my negative feelings, the less I focus on them. Once I notice the negative, I look to where my positive feelings may be. The more I notice my positive feelings, the happier I am and the more positivity fills my life. My relationships are better, my body feels better, I feel good.

When I feel a huge negative cloud that seems like I can't get rid of it, I think to myself “What am I able to do to make my gray dark storm cloud into a light puffy cloud in a bright blue sky?” I can take my struggle and find something positive. Maybe it’s a lesson I learned or something I learned to let go of. There is a difference between actually noticing what is positive around me and making a sarcastic comment about the situation that seems like I am joking. That is me feeding into the negative forces. I’m not perfect and I want to get rid of those. They are gross. 

Yes, there can't be positives without negatives. Negative moments and feelings happen. It's what I decide to feed into. For me, it's almost like a notification. 

Is that notification I received something that will add value to my life? Or is it a news article feeding into fears about hate and the world ending? Did I click on it and scroll through it or did I clear the notification? 

That’s how I want to look at negative energy. I want to be able to acknowledge it and then clear it away. I don't want to scroll through it and give it my attention. I want to focus on all the good that is around me. I want to be aware of what feels good and give my attention to those things. I know there will be times when I give into negative feelings. I want to drown that out with an overwhelming amount of times that I don’t. 

What's something in your life that holds negative energy? How are you feeding into that? What will you do to change that negative into a positive? 

Quote to contribute to this post

"Be cautious with what you feed your mind and soul. Fuel yourself with positivity and let that fuel propel you into positive action." -- Steve Maraboli”

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